Sunday, July 13, 2008

road trip post for friday

Friday the coyotes woke me up and I got a chance to watch the sunrise, and get an early start to LA.
Bugs get up early too. This is a shot from inside my helmet:

I had to get on the interstate, which I was trying to avoid, but I made it to Jim and Ivory's place.

I got over to the post office and picked up my package from the Vietnamese Embassy. It was supposed to have my passport and work visa. When I opened it, all I saw was my passport and my heart sank. But, it turns out that the work visa is actually pasted into the passport, so all is well. Huge relief.

Jim and me went to Venice beach. They were shutting down for the night by that time, but we walked around, got a slice of pizza, and called it a night.

1 comment:

Jim McCaffree said...

I like the ghost people walking on the sidewalk. Very fitting!